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Looking to Redesign Your Landscape? Ask Yourself These Questions First!

Colorado life is all about the view! In the winter, it’s the snow-capped mountains. But in the spring, it’s all about bright greenery and colorful wildflowers. If you are looking to redesign your Colorado landscape to get the most of your warm-weather views, here are five questions to ask yourself before you get started. 1….

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Perfect Plants for 2013

Selecting the perfect plants for Colorado landscapes can sometimes be a fun, albeit, tricky process. Between site factors, environmental issues, and the different climate conditions our area faces throughout the year, great care must be taken to ensure plants will thrive. Fortunately, Plant Select helps make the process a bit easier by rounding up a…

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Low-Maintenance Ornamental Grasses Great for Colorado Landscapes

Low-Maintenance Ornamental Grasses Great for Colorado Landscapes

Achieving an aesthetically appealing landscape while keeping water consumption down can be tricky, but it’s the price we pay to live in the beautiful Rocky Mountains. One way Denver homeowners can create an interesting landscape that is also drought-friendly is by incorporating ornamental grasses. These easy-to-care-for plants can add incredible texture and color to landscapes while not…

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Don’t Forget the Trees!

Don’t Forget the Trees!

It is very possible to achieve a gorgeous landscape that will retain its beauty even during drought conditions. But it’s easy to get caught up in the appearance of flowers, grass, shrubs, and other plants during dry conditions that we forget an equally important part of the equation… trees. Trees offer a number of benefits…

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Enhance Your Outdoor Living Spaces with Landscape Lighting

Enhance Your Outdoor Living Spaces with Landscape Lighting

The outdoor entertaining season is right around the corner. Soon we will be able to enjoy beautiful evenings at home with friends and family dining and lingering outdoors long after the sun goes down. With that in mind, now’s the perfect time to take a look at your outdoor living spaces. Could they use a…

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Water Smart Landscaping Strategies

Water Smart Landscaping Strategies

Due to the worsening drought conditions in the Denver area, water conservation has been the hot topic. But in addition to being water conscious, there are other ways to create a more drought-tolerant landscape. Landscapes can actually be strategically designed to withstand extra-dry conditions. The benefits of strategically designed landscapes go far beyond saving water, too….

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Early Spring Maintenance Tips for Denver Landscapes

Early Spring Maintenance Tips for Denver Landscapes

With a new season upon us, we know many of you are looking to make a few updates to refresh your landscapes and garden areas. But before you can start sprucing up for spring, there is a little bit of “housekeeping” that must be taken care of. The Associated Landscape Contractors of Colorado recently shared…

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Conserve While Watering Your Landscape With a Smart Controller

How is your lawn looking lately? Does it look lush and healthy, or does it seem to be a little more parched than normal? As we previously discussed, the drier than average winter has contributed to the Denver area being classified as “abnormally dry” for this point of the year. With the lack of snowfall…

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Water Conservation Tips as the Colorado Drought Continues

Water Conservation Tips as the Colorado Drought Continues

The winter brought very little snowfall to the Denver area, and if the predictions of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration for spring turn out to be true, the drought situation is likely to worsen over the next few months, National Geographic reports. The Denver region is currently listed as being in an “abnormally dry” state….

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Featured Plant: Russian Hawthorne Tree

Featured Plant: Russian Hawthorne Tree

For your Colorado landscape to be successful, it’s important to select plants that are as rugged and hearty as our geography. If you’re looking for a tree that does well in our varied climate and high altitude, turn your attention towards the beautiful Russian Hawthorne Tree (Crataegus ambigua). You don’t have to take our word…

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