landscaping Colorado

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Add some seasonal splash with colorful Holiday containers

Add some seasonal splash with colorful Holiday containers

Just because the cooler temperatures are rolling in doesn’t mean that you have to abandon beautiful colors and points of interest throughout your home and landscape. Colorful and festive holiday containers can bring a splash of cheer to porches, outdoor living areas and landscapes. Here are some ideas: Fall themes and autumn colors. It’s not…

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Creating Definition Within Your Landscape With Planted Borders

Whether it’s a small courtyard or an outdoor living room, any landscape can benefit from a little extra definition. Creating a border not only draws attention to the space, but also adds extra emphasis, texture, and in some cases, creates a cozier, more intimate space for relaxing and entertaining. While lots of homeowners opt for…

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Water Smart Landscaping Strategies

Water Smart Landscaping Strategies

Due to the worsening drought conditions in the Denver area, water conservation has been the hot topic. But in addition to being water conscious, there are other ways to create a more drought-tolerant landscape. Landscapes can actually be strategically designed to withstand extra-dry conditions. The benefits of strategically designed landscapes go far beyond saving water, too….

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3 Reasons to hire a Landscape Professional

3 Reasons to hire a Landscape Professional

When it comes to regular menial yard work, you may hate it, but it is something you can take care of yourself for the most part. However, there comes a time when the problems you have in your lawn can be a bit too much for you to handle and you’ll need to call a…

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Watch out for Sprinkler System Issues

Watch out for Sprinkler System Issues

Most homeowners out here in the great state of Colorado run their sprinkler system overnight. However, when they do this, they never get to see if the system is working correctly or not. With temperatures in the 90-degree range like they have been for the past few days, all sprinkler issues will start to show up very…

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When is the Best Time to Hire a Landscape Architect?

When is the Best Time to Hire a Landscape Architect?

“When is the best time to hire a landscape architect?” A question homeowners have asked for years with an elusive answer that depends on a multitude of factors. To answer the question, homeowners should first consider their home’s plot and design. The project’s scale will determine how many professionals you need to work on your…

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Japanese Garden Design

Japanese Garden Design

A Japanese garden design is a great landscaping idea to add a little change and variety to your garden. It is an option that will provide a new mood and feeling to your garden, making it a more peaceful area of your home. If you would like to redesign your garden with a Japanese design…

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What Flowers to Plant in the Spring in Colorado

What Flowers to Plant in the Spring in Colorado

Although temperatures are still frigid and winter still has its tight grip on Colorado, spring is just around the corner. That means it’s time to start thinking about your garden and lawns. One of the first things that need to be determined is what type of flora you are going to plant this spring. This…

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How to keep your Holiday Poinsettias healthy

How to keep your Holiday Poinsettias healthy

You probably only have your poinsettias out in the garden or front landscape during the Holiday season, so how do you keep your poinsettias healthy during the cold Colorado winter? You may be surprised to know that it is not difficult to keep poinsettias healthy during the Holidays.  However, poinsettias do require specific lighting and…

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Don’t throw that in the Compost Pile!

Don’t throw that in the Compost Pile!

During the Fall season, your landscaping can become overwhelmed in leaves. That can be a good thing for making compost, however, it’s important to make sure you know the don’ts in creating the right compost cocktail for you Colorado landscaping: 1. Don’t put oak and cottonwood leaves in your compost pile. It is best to…

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