Decorative Design Features for the Summer Xeriscaped Landscape

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Summer is fast approaching, and with it comes sun-filled days and cooler evenings that entice you to spend as much time enjoying the outdoors as possible. Whether you opted for a xeriscaped landscape to help conserve water or because they do not require as much maintenance as traditional types, you have more time to enjoy your outdoor space than you would with a traditional style. Your summer can be filled with cookouts with the kids, hosting parties for friends, and quiet evenings just relaxing with some of these outdoor design features for landscapes.

Decorative Design Features for the Summer Xeriscaped Landscape
Source: Lifescape Colorado

Pergolas are an excellent way to define a room-like space in your xeriscaped landscape. Due to their versatility, pergolas can create a whimsical shaded area from the hot sun to enjoy with your kids and with a few changes to your accessories, lend themselves perfectly well to an al fresco dining area when hosting friends.

Another design feature that can define outdoor spaces or highlight specific areas is the use of an arbor or trellis. An arbor can be designed to create a unique canopy for dining or seating areas, or it can be used for walkway entrances for decor. The use of a trellis can run from adding splashes of color throughout your xeriscape to creating privacy screens where needed.

If cookouts and grilling are a big part of your summer activities, a built-in grill should definitely be on your wish list. You can have one designed to blend right into your landscape or choose a style that creates a focal point for entertaining. If a BBQ is not something that appeals, you can create warmth and comfort with an outdoor fireplace instead. While we have to be mindful of drought conditions and fire bans throughout the summer, there are many options that make cozying up to a fireplace possible.

Lifescape can help you with even more great design ideas so you get the most out of your Denver xeriscaped landscape this summer. Visit our website for more inspiration, and contact us to start working on your project right away.