We’re fortunate to live in a climate that accommodates outdoor living for much of the year. Take advantage of this by amending your Colorado garden design to include a peaceful garden retreat. You can use it to read, journal or to sit quietly and enjoy the abundance of Mother Nature.
These tips will help you design and implement a relaxing retreat. You can always transform the most barren of landscapes into a luxurious oasis.

Have hope! Many clients are working with well established landscapes, which makes it easier to visualize the results of landscape remodels or add-ons. However, This Old House has an inspiring slide show about a couple who created their garden sanctuary from a completely blank and barren slate.

Plan well. As always, the best Colorado garden designs begin with a plan. Because you want to retreat, plot the exterior perimeter of your sanctuary and plant it with tall trees and shrubs to create a living privacy boundary. In addition to creating privacy, this boundary will block the view and buffer the sounds from streets, neighbor’s yards or even your own backyard activity areas.

Include seating. If you only have a small space or corner available, a single comfortable chair and table is a must. If your space is larger, consider adding benches or a chaise lounge. Incorporate a dining area that can be used for meals, projects, or socializing.

Build a water feature. Is there anything more soothing than the sound of water? From a small statue to a waterfall or koi pond, your water feature will be welcome addition for years to come. It also will help provide a sound buffer for homes located along busy streets.

Invite Mother Nature. Plant a fair amount of native plants known to attract pollinators, like butterflies, bees and moths, as well as birds. Science has proven the healing effects of our connection with nature. Plants, feeders and birdbaths can help forge these connections.
Contact Lifescape Colorado to begin designing your peaceful garden retreat today.