Top Landscape Design Trends for 2020 and Beyond

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The beginning of a new year (and in 2020, a new decade) offers a rare opportunity to reflect on whats new, exciting, and innovative for landscape architecture. Many of 2020’s landscape design trends address important issues like climate change, sustainability, and creating space for wellness and relaxation. And, while “trend” isn’t something we always recommend following, there are a few popular directions in the current landscape world that address design elements that have true staying power for years to come.

These are our favorite new landscape design trends for long-term style.

Lifescape Colorado

1. Low-Maintenance Landscapes

Low-maintenance gardens are sustainable gardens. We receive increasing requests for drought-tolerant plants, less turf, and more hardscape as homeowners seek landscapes that limit water usage, and require less work. However, there is no such thing as a “maintenance-free” landscape. Hardscape and drought-tolerant plants still require regular care to keep them in great condition and disease-free. Consult your landscape professional to see what type of low-maintenance landscape will work best for your location, soil, and style.

Read More About Xeriscape >

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2. Intimate Rooms & Secluded Spaces

Many of our homeowners in 2019 requested small, intimate spaces within their greater outdoor landscapes. Private corners and secluded spots are ideal for reading, conversations, meditation, or an intimate dinner. These spaces promote moments of respite from the busy world outside, and they are one of our favorite trends for the coming decade. All you need is comfortable seating, and a boundary in the form of a wall, vine-covered trellis, groomed hedges, or arbor. Add a water feature or fire pit for a true conversation starter.

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3. Architectural Shrubs & Trees

Wild, untamed gardens were a big trend of the 2010s and it looks like the pendulum is swinging back for the 2020s with manicured trees and shrubs that compliment building architecture. Consult with your landscape professional to find the right fit for your location, soil and lighting conditions, as well as the best aesthetic options to integrate well with your home.

See one of our award-winning projects that incorporates manicured trees and shrubs >

4. Edible gardens

Edible gardens are high on our list of the best landscape trends for the coming decade. Installing an edible garden provides many benefits that compliment your overall design—beauty, function, and community. We love blending edible elements into ornamental gardens for a classic style with the bonus bounty of fruit, vegetables, and herbs. Edible gardens are also a great way to give back to your friends and neighbors by sharing your harvest.

When designing and caring for your landscape, understanding, ability, and experience are key. Lifescape Colorado brings this trifecta to properties across Colorado. We combine more than 40 years of experience with a dedicated team of landscape architecture professionals and property care experts, into one of the most trusted names in landscape design and care in the United States.

To inquire, please contact us at or call at (303)-831-8310.