For the past 40 years, Lifescape served as a pioneer of innovation in Colorado’s design-build landscape market.
As we begin our 41st year, we are still a recognized landscape industry leader, winning a Grand National Award at LANDSCAPES, the signature event for National Association of Landscape Professionals. This will be our first full year in a new location which allows all of our services to reside in the same space, making it easy for customers to learn more about our design and construction options as well as our maintenance services dedicated to ensuring the health of your landscape.
Regardless of the service, Lifescape features a company commitment to sustainable practices including water efficient irrigation practices, LED lighting installations, xeric plant pallets and working with sustainable building materials all while maintaining a beautifully designed and installed landscape.
Your landscape will be crafted by an experienced team of professionals with a growing list of accomplishments within the industry. Just last year, landscape architect Dan DeGrush was awarded a gold medal at the Colorado Awards for Remodeling Excellence (CARE) Awards and project manager Brant Zirker was named Associated Landscape Contractors of Colorado (ALCC) ELITE awards company MVP in March.
While looking towards the first signs of spring underneath the snow, Lifescape will look for new and exciting ways to continue to create and maintain a stunning landscape that will set your yard apart. We encourage you to visit our new location and look forward to working with clients for the next 40 years.