The winters in Colorado can be rather dry. This is especially true during the months when there is little to no snow covering the ground. Plants and shrubbery, especially new transplants, evergreens, perennials and any other shallow rooted shrubbery, need moisture throughout the cold months. While they may seem healthy with no water or moisture, these same plants will typically wilt or die come the next spring.
It goes without saying while you should be providing water and moisture for your landscape, be certain you only do this when the temperature is above 45 degrees. When the temperature is above 45 degrees, plants will translocate water from their roots to the atmosphere. The best way to do this is to check the temperature for the day and apply the water in the morning or early afternoon before the temperature falls below the threshold at night.
Continually monitor the weather and soil conditions throughout the cold months; usually November to March. If there is a presence of snow you can usually be sure that this will provide enough moisture for your landscape to make it throughout the winter.
When you do decide to water it is best not to use your sprinkler system. Use a watering can or your standard garden hose and be sure to winterize it immediately after use by disconnecting the hose, leaving the faucet open and shutting off the main valve at the house while it drains completely.
Winter watered plant material will fare better in freezing temperatures than drought material. For more tips on winterizing your house or sprinkler system feel free to contact Lifescape. We are here to help!