If you haven’t already done so, finish checking off the items from our December gardener’s checklist. Then, use this lull between holiday weeks to organize your January checklist, so you’ll be prepared once the New Year’s festivities have ended.
Here are some Colorado gardening tips for your January checklist.

Water your plants.
There are two reasons irrigation is important during the winter — some years, we just don’t get enough moisture to meet your landscaping needs, in which case irrigation is the key to a healthy spring landscape. Secondly, watering plants before a storm can help keep roots and lower stems safe from sub-freezing temperatures. Follow these instructions from Houzz.com to ensure your plants and trees are adequately hydrated.

Keep up on snow and ice removal.
Snow and ice are dangerous, and the leading cause of slip and fall accidents in our Rocky Mountain climate. For best results, use eco-friendly de-icing products on your walkways and drives before the storm gets going. This can prevent ice from forming in the first place. Once the storm has ended, start shoveling or snow blowing as soon as possible to minimize the need for de-icing products. Lifescape Colorado offers snow removal services, so give us a call if you’d like professional assistance, or need help while you’re away on vacation.

Winter is for the birds.
Don’t forget our feathered friends. When the bulk of your garden has been blanketed with monochromatic white, migrating and over-wintering birds will add life and color as they flock to bird feeders and suet. Consult the Audubon Society’s website for expert tips on what and how to feed the wild birds in your backyard.

Seed shopping.
One of the best parts of winter is getting to curl up by the fire with hot cocoa and a stack of seed catalogs. Check your stored seeds for viability to avoid purchasing seeds you don’t need.
Contact Lifescape Colorado for more Colorado gardening tips or for professional landscape planning and maintenance.