Lifescape Staff on their way to being licensed Landscape Architects

Home / News / Events and Happenings / Lifescape Staff on their way to being licensed Landscape Architects

Lifescape teamLifescape Associates wanted to share some great news with you today. As you may remember reading in a previous post, designers Dan DeGrush and Tonya Glassmeyer were getting ready to apply for their Landscape Architecture license. Well Dan and Tanya passed the first two of four exams necessary to attain their license.  So they are half way there!

The Landscape Architecture Registry Exam (L.A.R.E.) tests on all facets of Landscape Architecture. Since Colorado has a practice and title act,  this means you can’t technically call yourself a ‘Landscape Architect’ without being licensed. The Landscape Architect needs to be licensed in their respective states for practice just as lawyers and doctors do.

Lifescape is looking forward to adding two new Landscape Architects to the design staff in Dan and Tonya, as well as assisting its clients as industry leaders in the Colorado and Front Range landscape design and construction industry.