Protecting your Backflow Prevention Device from a Freeze

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One of the most costly components of a sprinkler system to replace is the Backflow Prevention Device (BFP). Unfortunately, it is also the most vulnerable part of the system during a freeze. If an early freeze hits the Denver/Boulder area before you get a chance to blow out your sprinkler system, repairs for a BFP can cost anywhere from $200 to $400. However, according to the Associated Landscape Contractors of Colorado, there is a simple solution to prevent this kind of damage: wrapping the BFP with easily accessible materials.

How to Protect Your Backflow Prevention Device

The BFP is usually located outside the home, close to the foundation, and is clearly visible above ground. To properly protect it from freezing temperatures, follow these steps:

  • Gather Materials: You will need a towel or household insulation, a sturdy plastic garbage bag, and duct tape.
  • Wrap the BFP: Begin by wrapping the BFP with a towel or insulation material. This layer will help to insulate the device and keep it warm.
  • Cover with a Plastic Bag: Once wrapped, cover the towel or insulation with a plastic garbage bag. This will protect the insulating material from moisture.
  • Secure the Covering: Use duct tape to secure the plastic bag around the bottom of the BFP. Ensure that the entire device is well-covered and that no part is exposed to the elements.

By taking this precaution, your BFP will stay dry and protected if there’s a freeze before you have winterized your sprinkler system.

Importance of Full System Winterization

While wrapping your BFP is an essential step, it should not be the only action you take. In Colorado, it is crucial to winterize the entire sprinkler system by blowing out the lines with compressed air. This process ensures that no water remains in the pipes, which could freeze, expand, and cause damage.

Steps for Winterizing Your Sprinkler System

  1. Turn Off the Water Supply: Shut off the water supply to your sprinkler system to prevent more water from entering the pipes.
  2. Drain the System: Use the manual drain valves to release as much water as possible from the system.
  3. Blow Out the Lines: Attach an air compressor to the blow-out port of your sprinkler system. Blow out each zone of the system, starting with the zone furthest from the compressor. Ensure all water is expelled from the pipes.
  4. Check All Components: Ensure that all parts of the system, including the BFP, valves, and pipes, are completely free of water.

Many homeowners prefer to leave the job of winterizing their sprinkler systems to professionals. Lifescape Colorado can help with this task, ensuring your system is ready for the winter. Our team can handle the entire process, from wrapping your BFP to blowing out the lines, so you can rest easy knowing your sprinkler system is protected.

Contact Lifescape Colorado for Assistance

For expert help in winterizing your sprinkler system and protecting your BFP, contact Lifescape Colorado. We offer comprehensive services to ensure your system is ready for any weather condition, be it freeze, sleet, or snow. Call us at (303) 831-8310 to schedule your winterization service.