Bold container gardening is a simple way to impact your landscape design. Containers can fill a small garden space with a variety of blooms. And if you rent your home, you’ll have a fully landscaped yard that can move with you to your next home. Containers can be as permanent or as transient as you like. When Colorado container gardens are thoughtfully planned out, they add visual interest year-round.
Here are ideas for incorporating bold container garden designs into your landscape.

Consider your architecture
One way to approach container gardens is to consider them an enhancement of your architecture.You can purchase containers that mimic the shape or color of your existing buildings and hardscape, using the plants to enhance decor. In this front yard design, the large terra cotta pots match similarly tinted pavers and form a wall-like hardscape from which the colorful geraniums greet visitors and passersby.

A series of matching containers can be used to stand out on their own, or they can be designed to tie into the surrounding architecture. The use of three vertical concrete pots with boxwood plantings mirrors the tree line and is mirrored again by the miniature versions on the table. You can also group similar pots together for a more powerful impact. The look will change depending on whether you use the same plants or opt to plant them all differently.

Bold containers
Your containers themselves can become the visual focus. The clever containers featured on bhg.com are interesting before you even plant them. Look around for used goods that can be re-purposed into container gardens, like tool boxes, slightly chipped ceramics, wheelbarrows or vintage pitchers and tubs.

Miniature landscape plans
Consider your containers to be little landscapes when selecting and placing your plants. Create different heights, color patterns and think seasonally to keep them looking great all year. New to landscaping? Use these guides from bhg.com for inspiration, or hire a professional landscape designer to get started.
Contact Lifescape Colorado and design bold container gardens to accent your landscape.