Look out your window. How inspiring would you say your front yard is? If there’s any hesitation, it may be time to consider how to revamp your landscape design to optimize the views from both the inside and outside of your home. Indeed, curb appeal can go both ways.
One consideration that often gets overlooked when designing a front yard is it’s exact relationship with the size, shape, style and even colors of the home and its exterior. As Leslie Land of the New York Times told BHG, “You need to design for curb appeal based on the size and shape of your house and how it relates to the street.”

Remember perspectives and scale. Individual flowers will not always be noticed from the street or from inside the home. What will be noticed are groupings of flowers and arrangements of larger plants, shrubs and trees.

Say goodbye to any unsightly views. Anything less than stunning can be strategically hidden with attractive fencing or other landscape features. And with the right landscape design, views can be just as beautiful and intriguing during the fall and winter as they are in the spring and summer.

Hardscapes can be designed to echo architecture and provide contrast to foliage and flowers, while landscape lighting can highlight standout features even at night.
As you can see, curb appeal is much more than just a mowed lawn and pruned plants. Landscaping for curb appeal requires strategic design and a deep understanding of lines, shapes, forms and textures. You should also consider how they relate and work together to create a harmonious look and feel.
Onlookers should not be the only ones reaping the benefits from the time, money and imagination you invest into your landscape. And if you’re afraid of being too self-serving, just remember the great point Billy Goodnick makes: “When was the last time a stranger stopped the car, knocked on your door and told you your garden looked great?”
Call the experts at Lifescape to see how we can turn your views into a work of art.