Water Conservation Tips as the Colorado Drought Continues

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The winter brought very little snowfall to the Denver area, and if the predictions of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration for spring turn out to be true, the drought situation is likely to worsen over the next few months, National Geographic reports.

The Denver region is currently listed as being in an “abnormally dry” state. Climatologist and head of the Colorado Climate Center at Colorado State University Nolan Doesken says it’s currently a waiting game to see what spring brings. He shared with The Denver Post that “If we don’t get a big storm or two, summer is a problem.”

water wise landscaping

Andy Pineda of the Northern Colorado Water Conservancy District agreed, sharing with The New York Times that “We only have a month or two, and we are so far behind it’s going to take storms of epic amounts just to get us back to what we would think is normal.”

We all know that drought wreaks havoc on our plants. And in some cases, certain plants can actually accelerate a fire. With water in high demand and running low in supply, it’s important to consider how you can decrease the amount of water used for your landscape by incorporating water conservation practices.

The Denver Water website is a wonderful resource that offers the most up-to-date water conservation efforts in practice, not only for outdoor water use, but indoor water use, too. Here’s a few of our favorite outdoor conservation tips and suggestions from Denver Water.

  • Follow the Watering Times Chart for a monthly breakdown of what needs to be watered, the length of time you should water per zone, and which irrigation systems to run.
  • Be sure to choose the right grass for your yard, based on your land and lifestyle. A landscaping professional can help you make sure that the grass you select can stand up to drought.
  • Check outdoor water features regularly for leaks so that repairs can be made quickly to reduce water waste. Also, don’t run them during the hottest part of the day or at night.
  • Consider xeriscaping. This landscaping practice adds beauty with plants that are typically native to the area and can thrive with little water use.

For more water-wise landscaping tips to help you through the drought, be sure to take a look at Denver Water’s Water Wise Landscape Handbook.

For professional assistance in making sure your landscape is prepared to withstand what could be another very dry spring and summer, contact the team at Lifescape today.