Lifescape Associates Spreads the Warmth

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Denver landscape architectureAt the holidays we are reminded that a little extra generosity is in order, so all of us here at Lifescape Associates were very excited to participate in the Spread the WarmthTM campaign created by Dream Wise Marketing Solutions.
This fantastic community service initiative has distributed over 1,000 gloves and other winter clothing items to residents of Colorado since 2009. The gloves are sent out to recipients who are in turn asked to give them to someone they know or meet who is in need. Dream Wise then collects the stories of giving, further inspiring people to spread the love in their communities.
We’re glad to be a part of this great project and will be sure to share our stories with you. Stay tuned to the blog to hear more, and be sure to check out this awesome project.
Do you have a story of giving to someone in need, or of being helped by a kind-hearted stranger? We’d love to hear from you in the comments!
photo via Flickr