Have you turned your Sprinklers on yet?

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Hopefully, you have already started up your sprinkler system by now. Quite a few areas have voluntary watering restrictions in place which means we need to be more careful about saving water.

It is best to run your sprinkler system early in the morning, however, if you have them programmed to run in the morning while you are still asleep, you won’t be able to see them running, so you won’t know about any problems.  To prevent this, a great thing for you to practice at the start of the watering season is to watch your sprinkler run when you first turn them on and look for any potential problems.

Problems to look for:

  • Water is aimed for the street and not the grass.
  • Geysers that shoot water straight up in the air. (Sprinkler head may be missing)
  • Clogged nozzles.

If you are looking for a landscape design firm to create an irrigation plan for your Denver, Colorado home, contact the designers at Lifescape Associates today!

Photo via pinterest.com