Two Lifescape Staff studying to be licensed Landscape Architects

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Lifescape teamTwo members of the Lifescape Associates team, designers Dan DeGrush and Tonya Glassmeyer, are both full steam ahead at studying for the Landscape Architecture Registry Exam (L.A.R.E.). The idea of this exam is that it tests on all facets of Landscape Architecture.  Just as lawyers and doctors need to be licensed in their respective states for practice, so does a Landscape Architect.  In fact, Colorado has a practice and title act.  This means you can’t technically call yourself a ‘Landscape Architect’ without being licensed.

To be licensed, you must have graduated from an accredited Landscape Architecture program in college and pass the LARE exam. This exam consists of four sections: the first two cover Project and Construction Administration; Inventory, Analysis and Program Development.  The second two sections cover site design, Construction Documentation and Grading; Drainage and Stormwater Management.  Sections one and two are administered in March of 2012 and sections three and four are administer in December of 2012.  Tonya and Dan are in full study mode to pass the first two sections in March.  Lifescape, while already having a Landscape Architect on staff in Randy Randolph, is looking to continue its excellence in adding two new Landscape Architects to the design staff in Dan and Tonya.

Lifescape looks forward assisting its clients as industry leaders in the Colorado and Front Range landscape design and construction industry.