Remember: Remove Heavy Snow from Awnings

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snowawningThe awnings in your landscape can work wonders in dressing up your home and/or business. Now that the snow is coming in, it is important to remember that brushing heavy snowfall off your awnings is something you want to put into practice. If the awnings on your property are not strong enough or too old to hold heavy amounts of snow, they could crack, tear or even break.

You don’t want to give the snow a chance to melt and refreeze creating ice icicles and ice blocks on top of your awnings, which then becomes a hazard to anyone under or near the awning.

Making sure you have strong structures within the landscape is key for the rough Colorado winters. You need awnings, coverings and other structures to hold up under the intense weather conditions so that you won’t have to budget for yearly repairs every time a heavy snow fall hits the Denver area.

Contact Lifescape Associates in Denver if you want quality, durability, and expert craftsmanship built into the structures, awnings and coverings in your landscape.

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