Gabions: New Design Items for the Landscape

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Gabion was originally designed to be a lost cost option of retaining slopes typically, but not always around Riparian (waterway) Corridors. Recently, this design element has been used to bring a different and usually low cost feel to new facets in the landscape.

For example, these can be used as seating areas, walls, fences, columns, veneers, etc. Different types of fencing and metal can be used to contain the rock within to give the Gabion, yet another visual interest. Here are a few examples.





The image below is a T.V. stand we constructed with this Gabion concept. This was a popular item at the Colorado Fall Home and Garden Show that took place in the Fall.


Want to try something new in your landscape? Or maybe you want to bring a touch of nature into your home or business with gabions? Lifescape Associates can help! Just give us a call at 303-831-8310.