Recycling Christmas Trees in Colorado

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For anyone who’s invested in a real Christmas tree this season, it can be a hassle trying to figure out how to dispose of it. In years past, it was the norm to just toss used trees out on the curbside with the rest of the week’s trash. But today, more environmentally conscious citizens look for sustainable ways to preserve Christmas trees.


According to Colorado’s Recycle Your Christmas Tree, 93 percent of real Christmas trees are recycled through community programs. Interested in recycling your tree? Here are two things to keep in mind:

1. Know that some recyclers are selective about what types of trees they’ll accept. If you plan to recycle, try keeping your tree in the same condition it was in when you purchased it. Lights, ornaments, wire and other accessory-related items should always be removed from the tree prior to recycling.

2. Christmas trees are biodegradable, so recycling them is great for the environment. The tree bark is converted into mulch or wood chips, which are then used to support local parks, hiking trails, walkways and flower beds. So before you think about throwing your tree out for good, consider the environmental benefits of recycling it instead.

For more information about recycling your Christmas tree in Colorado, keep checking the Recycle Your Christmas website as well as the Colorado Recycles website.

Photo courtesy of Southern Living