You may be wondering, what is “Fire Minimizing Mixture” ? It’s basically a mixture of elements that will help keep your Christmas tree moist and reduce the potential of a fire. Below is the recipe for the The “Fire Minimizing Mixture” from the US Forest Service.
“FIRE MINIMIZING ” MIXTURE”2 gals. of hot water2 cups corn syrup2 oz. liquid bleach2 pinches epsom salts1/2 tsp. borax1 tsp. chelated iron (available at garden shops)
The recipe calls for both corn syrup and sugar which will allow the tree to soak up more water that it normally would otherwise. During a 10-14 day period, the Christmas tree will soak up about 1-1/2 gallons of “Fire Minimizing Mixture”. This is about 800% more water than what it would have absorbed in the forest.
Are you having trouble keeping your tree moist this Holiday Season?