Holiday Plant: Poinsettias in the Garden

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christmas_poinsettiasDuring the Holiday season, people love to decorate their landscape with lights and other festive ornaments, but if you prefer to decorate your landscape in a more elegant and natural fashion for the holidays, consider planting poinsettias in your garden or in front of your house.

Poinsettias are known to be tropical plants but it has been the traditional Christmas plant ever since the United States first ambassador to Mexico, Joel Poinsett, introduced them to America back in the early 19th century. The plant is available in varied colors: pink, gold, white but the most popular color is of course is red.

When looking for poinsettias for your garden, make sure the foliage is dark green and healthy with strong stems and bright colored bracts. And since Colorado winters can get well under 50 degrees, have the poinsettias wrapped before taking them outside. When you do take them outside, place them out of reach from direct sunlight and cold drafts but in a well-lit area. If you prefer to keep the plant in the decorative foil wrapping, put a hole in the bottom to allow for good drainage. Letting the plant sit in water can result in root rot.

Outside, the colorful bracts will probably last for several weeks but the poinsettia can be kept as a green houseplant all year round. Need some help getting your landscape set for winter and presentable for the holidays? Call Lifescape Associates at 303-831-8310.

Happy Holidays!
