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The Environmental Benefits of Eco-Friendly Xeriscaping

The Environmental Benefits of Eco-Friendly Xeriscaping

Many people mistakenly believe that a xeriscaped landscape means sacrificing greenery and color for a bland, dry garden. However, nothing could be further from the truth. Xeriscaping (not to be confused with Zeroscaping) is a type of drought-resistant landscaping that uses plants that flourish with little to no supplemental water. Lifescape Colorado provides drought-resistant landscaping…

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Easy Steps to a More Water-Wise Garden

Easy Steps to a More Water-Wise Garden

Here in Colorado, we’re no strangers to drought and water restrictions, and this is why water conservation is important to many gardeners. During the driest, hottest seasons, a beautiful garden may seem impossible to achieve, but this is not true. A few smart changes can make your garden both water-wise and beautiful. Replace the Lawn…

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Prairie Winecups

Prairie Winecups

Native perennials hold a position of honor in many Colorado landscapes, and at Lifescape Colorado, we encourage you to add these hardy plants for their beauty and drought tolerance. Callirhoe involucrata, commonly known as Prairie Winecups is one of our favorites. Here’s what you should know about this attractive flower. Prairie Winecups boasts dark green…

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A Colorado Gardener’s April Checklist

A Colorado Gardener’s April Checklist

It seems as if we were just rolling out Colorado Gardening Tips for January last week, and here April is already upon us! The good news for everyone is that our extended lead-up to spring provides extra time for procrastinators to catch up on winter chores and launch right into our spring checklist. So, without further…

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Fabulous Water-Wise Perennials for Colorado Gardens

Fabulous Water-Wise Perennials for Colorado Gardens

As you begin to plan your spring garden, don’t neglect the power of growing native plants. There are multiple benefits to prioritizing native plants in your garden. They’re hardier and are able to withstand hot dry summers and freezing winters. They also require less water than non-native counterparts and will also attract birds, bees and…

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Front Porch Landscaping Ideas

Front Porch Landscaping Ideas

The front porch has a special place in American history. It’s the ideal place to drink a cup of coffee in the morning or converse with family while dinner is cooking. Porches also encourage neighbors and passersby to stop for a moment and say hello. These front porch-landscaping ideas will get your porch in shape…

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Tips for Landscaping Your Home for Selling

Tips for Landscaping Your Home for Selling

Enhancing curb appeal is the outdoor equivalent of staging a home. In fact, The National Association of Realtors found that 71 percent of homebuyers find curb appeal to be very important. Here are a few tips for designing a front yard landscape that will lead buyers happily to your door. Maintain what you have. If your…

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Create a Peaceful Garden Retreat for Relaxation

Create a Peaceful Garden Retreat for Relaxation

We’re fortunate to live in a climate that accommodates outdoor living for much of the year. Take advantage of this by amending your Colorado garden design to include a peaceful garden retreat. You can use it to read, journal or to sit quietly and enjoy the abundance of Mother Nature. These tips will help you…

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An Overview of Seeds for Spring

An Overview of Seeds for Spring

Are you planting a fair amount of seeds this spring? If so, these Colorado gardening tips can help you order just the right type and amount of seeds you need to yield a luscious and interesting landscape all year long. Organize the seeds you have. Before you go too crazy with your seed catalogs or…

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Top Garden Trends in 2014

Top Garden Trends in 2014

Garden planning requires two perspectives –reflecting back to learn from what didn’t work in years past, and gazing forward to embrace modern gardening trends. Here are the top garden trends of 2014. Which ones will you implement in your Colorado garden design this year? 5 Top Garden Trends for 2014 Plants of the year. Are…

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