What to do now to prepare landscapes for these winter chills and for spring growth.

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prepare landscapes for winter

Knowledgeable property care for your landscape in the fall will help protect it during the fall and winter cold snaps and prepare it for beautiful growth in the spring. Mulching, fertilizing your turf, and pruning will keep plants and trees happy and healthy as the weather cools off.

Contemporary Conservation

Putting down mulch in the fall protects plants from the severe temperature changes we Coloradoans experience and prevent roots from freezing. A thick layer of mulch also promotes soil health, prevents erosion, regulates moisture and protects against mechanical injuries.

While there will still be plenty of sunny fall days ahead, sudden cold snaps require quick action to protect and drain vulnerable irrigation equipment like backflow valves. Check with your irrigation professional to see what winterization steps might be appropriate for your system.

prepare landscapes for winter

As seasons change, plants and trees need to be pruned or cut back to make room for new growth and cool weather plants. An expert should examine trees and prune any dead, diseased, or damaged parts – as well as dangerous limbs that may fall with heavy snow or ice.

Contact the professionals at Lifescape to get expert property care this fall.