If you’re beginning to mourn the flowers from your summer garden, why not turn your attention to flowers that can bloom throughout the fall months? While fall may not be the brightest season, there are a number of flowers that do quite well in our mountain climate. Combined with evergreens and landscape plants that boast changing foliage, your garden can have plenty of visual interest through the fall.
Here are some of the best flowers for fall gardens in Colorado.

Asters. Not only are asters strong and reliable, they don’t get their bloom on until late summer and early fall when other favorites are already withering on the stalk. Asters come in pink, blue, lavender, white and violet. They like full sun and well draining soil — which we have a lot of in our neck of the mountains. Do make sure you like where you plant them because they have a tendency to spread out.

Kale and Cabbage. You may remember that kale and cabbage do well in cool season vegetable gardens. You can also purchase decorative and edible varieties that will add vibrant greens, purples and whites to your fall landscape. Best of all, a nip of frost will actually enhance their color.

Goldenrod. Ah, goldenrod — it adds a burst of sunshine right where you need it. They are must-have flowers for fall gardens in Colorado because they are so easy to grow, are happy in both full sun and partial shade and will be a happy greeter along walkways and garden paths.

Coneflowers. This is another cheerful flower. It looks like a daisy with slightly drooping petals. Coneflowers are in the genus Echinacea. They are hardy perennials and they attract both birds and bees. Coneflowers like full sun and are drought resistant. They also look lovely when cut and added to vases.

Plumbago. This is a three-for-one perennial. It provides green foliage during most of the year. Then in fall, Plumbago’s leaves change to red and it blooms with delicate blue blooms. Can a gardener ask for more from a single plant?
What’s your favorite fall flower? Contact Lifescape for help planning your colorful fall landscape.