The Dangers of Low Snowpack in the Garden

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It is known in Colorado that gardeners depend on the annual snowpack to water their gardens and yards during the growing season.  However, since the snowpack has not been all that great this season, there is a fear that the water will not be as plentiful for summer gardening.

The Denver Post recently cited that the first manual check of Colorado’s snowpack showed only 73 percent of normal – and not one year during the last 30 that started this far below average, was there a return to normal snowpack by the start of spring.” –

There are others who are saying that now is too early to make the call, and there have been positive readings for some of the river basins. For example, the Arkansas River Basin is 89 percent of normal. However, we all know from the severe drought of 2002, snowpack conditions may look like one thing and end up as something else.

Are you worrying about your summer gardens? The best thing Coloradoans can do is to start conserving water, beginning with your own landscape.

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