Are you ready for a Xeriscape Landscape?

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Lifescape Colorado has always put an emphasis on sustainable landscaping in Colorado to preserve our resources, local habitats and the planet. However, many people mistakenly believe that having a sustainable landscape requires sacrificing greenery and color for a look that is bland and dry. Nothing could be further from the truth. Our design experts provide xeriscape services that yield colorful landscapes with year-round interest and sustainability.

What is xeriscape?
Coined by Denver Water in 1981, the term “xeriscape” refers to a drought-resistant landscape achieved by following a series of basic principles. These principles include planning, conscientious irrigation and use of native plants that can survive dry seasons without being overly demanding on our precious water resources.

Proper planning is essential.
Our experts know how to analyze a property for conditions such as soil type, drainage, exposure and plant type. Soil improvements may be necessary to create the right nutrient balance. Native plants can be returned to the site. Traffic areas, focal points and practical use of turf or ground covers can be planned into the overall design.

Responsible use of water
Part of the design process is to create hydrozones. This is achieved by grouping plants according to their watering needs and placing them in locations that will optimize their water absorption and drainage. Using smart irrigation technology, we then design a system that responds to local weather conditions to water based on your specific plant types, preventing runoff and promoting deep rooting by watering deeply instead of frequently.

Mulch and Maintenance
Proper maintenance and wise use of mulch round out the best practices for creating a successful xeriscape. Adding organic mulches helps to minimize water evaporation, reduce weed growth, moderate soil temperatures and prevent erosion. Mulch also adds beautiful visual interest. Our expert maintenance includes weeding, fertilizing, pruning and more. All tailored to your unique design for a stunning, sustainable landscape.

Contact Lifescape Colorado today to implement your own beautiful and water-wise xeriscape!