A Colorado Gardener’s May Checklist

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Finally, spring has sprung! These glorious, sunshine-filled days can be spent out in your garden if your irrigation is in place and your soil is properly amended. Once the basics are in place, you can begin the exciting task of planting bulbs, flowers, shrubs and trees to create your landscape masterpiece. Here are some gardening tips for the month of May to get you started in your Colorado garden.

drip irrigation
Source: Organic Gardening

Evaluate your irrigation system. Ideally, the bulk of your irrigation should be happening at ground level via soaker hoses and/or drip systems. Overhead watering can lead to leaf burn and excess moisture can also make plants more susceptible to fungus and disease.

watering plants
Source: Organic Gardening

Practice deep watering. Deep watering is recommended to encourage root-growth deep under ground where water is protected from dehydration. This watering technique is beneficial for both ornamental plants, as well as those in your vegetable garden. Let soil dry out in between waterings to allow it to oxygenate.

organic fertilizer
Source: Organic Gardening

Fertilize and amend. Amend the soil in your plant beds and fertilize your lawn. We recommend using organic amendments and fertilizers for a more sustainable and healthy landscape.


Start hardening off your greenhouse plants. Are you ready to move those greenhouse plants and vegetable garden-starters outdoors? Make sure to harden them first, and move pots outdoors for longer and longer periods everyday over a couple of weeks. This will protect them from shock.

Source: Organic Gardening

Start planting. Once you’re sure the last frost has passed, it’s time to start planting your summer-blooming plants and flowers. Summer favorites like gladiolus, dahlias, begonias and lilies do well when planted this time of year. Also, concentrate on drought-tolerant native plants to conserve water and feed local bees, butterflies and birds.

Source: Organic Gardening

Prune abundant spring blooms. By now, some of your spring blooms – like lilac – are ready to be pruned. These ornamental bushes should be pruned back fairly quickly after blooming to encourage healthy new growth.

Contact Lifescape Colorado for more gardening tips, or to get your landscape in shape for summer.